The Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences is committed to ensuring equal access to employment opportunities for all students. We expect employers’ recruiting practices to be in line with professionally accepted hiring practices, as outlined by the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice, the United States Department of Labor FLSA Guidelines, and The Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences Non-Discrimination Statement.
Employers recruiting at The Christ College must have current or anticipated position openings appropriate for college students and graduates. Positions must result in an “employer-employee” relationship requiring the issuance of a W-2 for all remuneration paid and impose no fees (aside from required professional licensure expenses) on the employee. The Christ College does not allow recruiting from Network Marketing Organizations or third-party recruiters who impose a fee on students or do not disclose employer names and opportunities.
The Christ College will allow 1099 Independent Contractor opportunities to be posted for current students and alumni via Handshake, our career management system. 1099 positions must include the disclaimer “This is a 1099 position. Persons paid on a 1099 basis are independent contractors and are self-employed. Independent contractors (you) are required to pay out of your remuneration all self-employment taxes (Social Security & Medicare), income taxes, worker’s disability compensation and health or other insurances. These will NOT be withheld or paid by the client for which you are working. Independent contractors generally do not receive employment benefits from the client or person for which they are working. For more information, please refer to or talk with a tax professional.”
Please note, Independent Caregivers are considered employees, not 1099 Independent Contractors. Individuals who wish to promote Independent Caregiver opportunities to students and alumni must provide The Christ College with an employment contract and position description in line with United States Department of Labor Homecare Guidelines and the United States Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act to be reviewed by The Christ College prior to promotion.